Uterine Prolapse Turkey

Uterine prolapse Turkey, also known as uterine prolapse in medicine, is the name given to the slipping down of the uterus due to advancing age or births. The size of the uterus, also called the uterus, is 5-6 cm before birth and reaches 6-7 cm after birth. The uterus, one of the organs of the reproductive system in women, is anatomically located behind the bladder, in front of the intestines, inside the pelvis. The uterus has extremely limited mobility and can slide downward in the body under the influence of various factors. The main cause of uterine prolapse is the loss of strength of the connective tissues called ligaments and pelvic tissues in the body. In some cases, uterine prolapse can be observed in advanced stages and the uterus can protrude outside the vagina. In the treatment of uterine prolapse, the patient is first examined and a personalized treatment plan is created after the necessary examinations are completed.

In the rest of our article, we will answer curious questions such as “What are the kegel exercises that are good for uterine prolapse?”, “How is uterine prolapse treatment performed?” and “What are the symptoms of uterine prolapse?”. You can review the rest of our article to get information about Turkey uterine prolapse treatment and causes of uterine prolapse.

What is Uterine Prolapse?

The uterus in the female reproductive system is an organ with limited mobility. The uterus protects its position in the body thanks to the pelvic muscles and connective tissues in this region. The main cause of uterine prolapse, that is, uterine prolapse, is the weakening of these tissues and muscles and their downward sagging. The causes of weakness in these muscles include vaginal delivery, history of surgical operation, advancing age, multiple pregnancy, estrogen deficiency and some structural problems. If the degree of prolapse increases, the uterus may protrude outside the vagina. In case of uterine prolapse, if this condition reduces the quality of life of the person, the treatment phase can be started after the necessary examinations and examinations.

What are the Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse?

Symptoms of uterine prolapse vary depending on the degree of prolapse. While cases with a small amount of prolapse usually do not cause any complaints, as the degree of prolapse progresses, it may cause low back pain that starts in the morning and gets worse towards the evening. In moderate and severe cases of uterine prolapse, there is a pulling sensation from the lower abdomen. Patients often consult a doctor with a feeling of pressure or fullness. The main symptoms of moderate or severe uterine prolapse are as follows:

  • Urinary tract disorders (incontinence, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infection).
  • Problems with bowel movements and constipation.
  • Pain in the lower back.
  • Excessive vaginal bleeding or discharge.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Tissue hanging out of the vagina.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse can be listed as such.

What Causes Uterine Prolapse?

Uterine prolapse develops as a result of weakening of the pelvic muscles and ligaments that hold the uterus in place. When we ask “Why does the uterus prolapse?”, the first problem we encounter is the weakening of the pelvic muscles. The main causes of weakening of the pelvic muscles and ligaments are as follows:

  • Giving birth in large numbers.
  • Pregnancy
  • Giving birth to a large baby.
  • Multiple pregnancy.
  • Overweight or obesity.
  • Advanced age.
  • Decreased estrogen levels.
  • Loss of tissue tone after menopause.
  • Heavy lifting.
  • Chronic cough or constipation.
  • Pelvic surgery.
  • Pelvic tumors.
  • Family history.
  • Smoking cigarettes.

The causes of uterine prolapse can be listed in this way. Chronic coughing, constipation or lifting heavy weights too often are among the main factors that cause uterine prolapse. Uterine prolapse can be prevented with lifestyle changes that take into account such risk factors.

Especially people with a family history of uterine prolapse are recommended to do exercises to strengthen the lower abdominal muscles, to be treated if they have chronic constipation complaints, to have any diseases that cause coughing checked and to quit smoking.

How is Uterine Prolapse Diagnosed?

Uterine prolapse is diagnosed during routine medical check-ups when there are no symptoms. But usually, the person with a prolapsed uterus is aware of the condition. Nevertheless, some people may hesitate to express their discomfort. In such cases, uterine prolapse can be detected and diagnosed by chance during a simple medical examination.

When a woman presents to a doctor with a suspicion of uterine prolapse, her family history and complaints are first listened to. Then, a pelvic examination is performed to evaluate whether there is uterine prolapse and if so, the degree of prolapse. Afterwards, the patient’s pelvic muscles are tested. In addition to these examinations, the doctor may also ask the patient some questions to understand how much the condition affects the quality of life. As a result of all the evaluations, the diagnosis of uterine prolapse is made and the most appropriate treatment plan is determined according to the needs of the patient.

What are the Degrees of Uterine Prolapse?

Uterine prolapse can occur in various degrees. In stages 1-2, the uterus has sagged downwards but has not come out of the vagina. In the case of complete uterine prolapse, part of the uterus protrudes from the vagina and the degree of prolapse is determined according to the size of the protruding part.

What are Kegel Exercises Good for Uterine Prolapse?

The Kegel exercise is a type of exercise to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Before starting the exercise, the bladder should be emptied. In the exercise, the pelvic floor muscles are tightened. The muscle is held tight for 3-5 seconds and then relaxed. It can be applied with 10/15 sets per day, 4-5 repetitions in each set. People can try this exercise, especially when urinating. However, only the pelvic floor muscles should be tightened during the exercise. In order to perform the Kegel exercise correctly, the doctor informs the patient during the examination.

How is Uterine Prolapse Treatment Performed?

Mild cases of uterine prolapse usually do not require treatment. However, regular medical check-ups are recommended in case the degree of prolapse progresses. In cases of moderate to severe prolapse, Kegel exercises and similar exercises may be recommended to strengthen the pelvic muscles. In addition to regular exercise, the condition can be controlled with lifestyle changes such as treating diseases that cause chronic constipation and cough, avoiding heavy lifting, and eating a healthy diet.

In some cases, vaginal ring, also known as vaginal pessary, can be used in the treatment of uterine prolapse. The vaginal ring is shaped according to the size of the uterus and the doctor provides information on how to use the ring. The vaginal ring, which can be used comfortably during sexual intercourse, supports the uterus and prevents excessive sagging.

Among the surgical treatment options for uterine prolapse is uterine prolapse surgery. In surgery, pelvic tissues can be repaired in two different ways depending on the degree of sagging. In one of the methods, the weakened tissue is replaced with synthetic tissue, while in the other method, it is replaced with healthy tissue taken from a different part of the patient’s body.

Another surgical treatment option is hysterectomy. It is generally preferred in cases of severe uterine prolapse. In the hysterectomy procedure, the uterus is removed from the body using vaginal or laparoscopic surgery methods.

Turkey uterine prolapse treatment prices may vary depending on the method of treatment and similar factors.