O-Shot Turkey

O-Shot Turkey is an application for the regeneration of the areas in the genital area that are sensitive to sexual stimuli. In the genital area, there are areas such as the clitoris and its surroundings, where the nerve-capillary network is highly developed. These areas allow the individual to reach orgasm when they are regularly stimulated during sexual activities. However, in some individuals, these areas may wear out due to factors such as epilation and waxing applications, births and advancing age. This may cause the individual to have a late orgasm or not reach orgasm. Thanks to O-Shot, it is possible to eliminate these problems, to enable the individual to enjoy sexual relations more and to help them reach orgasm quickly.

In the rest of our article, we will answer curious questions such as “How is O-Shot done?”, “What are the comments of those who have O-Shot?”, “Does O-Shot have side effects?” and “What are the benefits of O-Shot?”. You can review the rest of our article to get information about Turkey O-Shot, O-shot and the benefits of O-Shot.

What is O-Shot? What Does It Do?

O-Shot is performed to make the points rich in nerve cells, which provide sexual pleasure, more sensitive to sexual stimuli. This can increase the speed at which the individual reaches orgasm and help to eliminate problems such as sexual reluctance and vaginal dryness. O-Shot is a painless application, popularly known as genital PRP, Orgasm shot or O point enlargement.

Why is O-Shot Done?

Sexual life is one of the most natural and important parts of life for adults. Research suggests that a healthy sex life helps manage stress, strengthens romantic relationships and promotes mental health. However, not enjoying sexual intercourse enough or not reaching orgasm can cause serious discomfort. Thanks to O-Shot, these problems can be eliminated and the individual can have a healthy, functional and enjoyable sexual life.

Which area is O-Shot applied to?

O-Shot is applied to the points in the genital area that are responsible for sexual stimulation. In other words, O-shot is applied around the clitoris and the area known as the G-spot in women.

Are There Side Effects of O-Shot?

O-Shot has no serious side effects. The procedure is performed using healing and regenerative platelet cells obtained from the patient’s own blood. This means that no foreign substances, drugs or chemicals are used during the procedure. This means that there will be no serious complications other than temporary redness.

What are the Benefits of O-Shot?

Benefits of O-Shot are as follows:

  • O-Shot can help the individual reach orgasm more quickly.
  • It can help to eliminate sexual dysfunctions such as sexual reluctance, vaginal dryness, etc.
  • It can help the individual to enjoy sexual relationships more and to be satisfied with their relationships.
  • By activating the natural healing processes of the tissues of the genital area, it can rejuvenate the tissues.

The benefits of O-Shot can be summarized as such.

What are the Comments of Those Who Have Had O-Shot?

The comments of those who have had O-Shot are as follows:

  • Women who had the O-Shot reported that they returned to their daily lives immediately after the procedure.
  • Women who had the O-Shot reported that they started to experience the related benefits in their sexual life about a week after the procedure.
  • Women who had O-Shot reported that there was a slight redness in the target area for 1-2 days after the procedure, and then this redness disappeared spontaneously.

The comments of those who have had O-Shot can be summarized as such.

How long does the effect of O-Shot last?

Although O-Shot is a non-surgical aesthetic procedure, it is not confused with Botox or fillers. Botox and fillers use foreign substances that are metabolized by the body over time. This causes the effect of the applications to disappear over a certain period of time. However, healing cells are used in O-Shot. The regeneration caused by these cells is preserved until the area wears out again over the years. Afterwards, the individual can easily have the O-Shot repeated if they wish.

When does the effect of the O-Shot start?

The effect of O-Shot is usually felt within 1 week after the application. However, this period may vary from person to person, some people may feel these effects in a shorter time.

How is O-Shot Performed?

O-Shot is a two-stage non-surgical genital aesthetic application. In the first stage of the procedure, a tube of blood is taken painlessly from the individual’s arm. The blood is placed in a centrifuge with the tube. Thus, it is possible to separate the healing and rejuvenating platelet cells from other heavy substances in the blood.

In the second stage of the application, the platelet cells separated from the blood by centrifugation are injected into the target points in the genital area, especially around the clitoris and the G-spot. Of course, topical anesthetic cream is applied to the target points before the injection process.

When Should I Have Sexual Intercourse After O-Shot?

Individuals who have O-Shot can have sexual intercourse 4-7 days after the procedure. However, as we have mentioned before, it will be useful to wait 7 days for the effects of the application to reach a noticeable size.

Turkey O-Shot prices may vary according to the details of the application and similar factors.