Fibroids Treatment Turkey

Fibroid treatment Turkey is performed to treat masses formed by the uncontrolled growth of muscle tissue in the layer of the uterus called myometrium. The uterus is an organ that is directly affected by hormone changes. This organ, which is very important for women’s fertility, consists of three layers. One of these layers is the myometrium layer. In this layer, which consists of muscle tissue, benign masses called fibroids can occur with the effect of both hormonal changes and genetic factors.

In the rest of our article, we will answer curious questions such as “How is fibroid surgery performed?”, “How is fibroid treatment performed?”, “What are the symptoms of uterine fibroids?” and “Can you get pregnant after fibroid treatment?”. You can review the rest of our article to get information about Turkey fibroid treatment, fibroid symptoms and non-surgical fibroid treatment methods.

What is Fibroid?

A fibroid is a benign and usually asymptomatic cyst that forms in the muscular layer of the uterus. Fibroids, also known as uterine fibroids, are often discovered by chance during routine check-ups, as they often do not cause symptoms. This can cause patients to be afraid of fibroids. Depending on their location, number and size, fibroids can cause a feeling of pressure in the abdominal area and cause menstrual periods to be more severe than normal. They can also cause infertility problems by preventing sperm from fertilizing egg cells.

What Causes Fibroids?

There are many factors that play a role in the formation of fibroids. One of the most important of these is hormone changes. The myometrium layer, although not as much as the endometrium (uterine wall), can be negatively affected by hormone imbalance. This can lead to fibroids. Genetic factors also play a role in the occurrence of fibroids. Therefore, people whose mothers have fibroids, sisters have fibroids, etc. are at a greater risk of fibroids.

What are the Symptoms of Fibroids?

Symptoms of fibroids may include the following:

  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Menstrual bleeding is more intense and severe than normal.
  • Menstrual cramps are more severe than usual.
  • Swelling, pain and a feeling of increased pressure in the abdomen.
  • Constipation.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Difficulty conceiving, i.e. infertility

These are the symptoms of uterine fibroids. Some women may have fibroids in their uterus without experiencing any symptoms. Symptomless fibroids are usually diagnosed late and by chance during gynecological examinations.

In Whom Are Fibroids Seen?

Genetic factors unquestionably play a major role in the formation of fibroids. Therefore, especially people with fibroids in their immediate family may be at serious risk of fibroids. Therefore, it is important that they do not neglect their regular check-ups.

Do Fibroids Cause Menstrual Irregularities?

Fibroids can cause the following menstrual problems:

  • Menstrual irregularity. Fibroids can cause menstruation to be delayed or occur early, which may cause the patient to menstruate more frequently.
  • Increased menstrual bleeding. Fibroids can cause problems such as heavy menstrual bleeding.
  • Fibroids can also, in rare cases, cause abnormal bleeding between periods

Depending on their location, number and size, fibroids can cause problems with the menstrual cycle.

Do Fibroids Cause Infertility?

Because of their location and size, fibroids can prevent sperm cells from reaching egg cells, making conception difficult. This can result in the actual problem of infertility.

Do Fibroids Cause Pain? How Does Fibroid Pain Go Away?

The most common symptom of fibroids is a more painful menstrual period than usual. However, even outside the menstrual period, large fibroids can cause pressure and pain in the lower abdomen.

Can Fibroids Be Treated with Herbs?

For herbal treatment of fibroids, some patients may use herbal teas, herbal cures or various herbs that claim to be medicinal. However, there is no scientific evidence that these work. On the contrary, alternative “medicines” such as supplements, herbal cures, etc. marketed under the name of “herbal solution for fibroids” can cause problems such as allergies, liver failure and kidney failure. Therefore, only a gynecology physician should be consulted for definitive fibroid treatment.

Do Fibroids Disappear on Their Own?

Fibroids do not fall or disappear by themselves. Although it is possible for them to shrink over time, it is not common for them to disappear. Therefore, patients should consult a gynecologist for fibroids when necessary.

How Are Fibroids Diagnosed?

Fibroids can be detected by imaging applications such as ultrasound scans that accompany gynecological examinations. Thus, their number, location and size can be determined. According to the information obtained, personalized treatments can be prepared.

Can I Get Pregnant After Fibroid Treatment?

People treated for fibroids can safely conceive and give birth if they do not have another health problem that causes infertility.

Can Fibroids be Treated with Medication?

Medicines used to treat fibroids can prevent fibroids from growing and new fibroids from forming. They can also relieve complaints such as pain and menstrual irregularities caused by fibroids. However, fibroids cannot be removed with medication. They can only be removed surgically.

How is Fibroids Treated?

Treatment of uterine fibroids can take place in two different ways. The first is known as medicated fibroid treatment or non-surgical fibroid treatment. In this treatment, various medications may be prescribed to reduce the patient’s complaints, regulate menstruation and prevent further growth of fibroids. The other type of fibroid treatment is known as surgical fibroid treatment or fibroid surgery. In fibroid surgery, open (abdominal), closed (laparoscopic) or vaginal (hysteroscopic) surgical techniques can be used.

Do Fibroids Recur After Treatment?

Fibroids can recur after treatment. However, the risk of recurrence may vary depending on the method by which fibroids are treated, the age of the individual, etc.

Turkey fibroid treatment prices may vary according to the fibroid treatment methods used during treatment, the experience of the doctor and similar factors.