Closed Polyp Surgery Turkey
Closed polyp surgery Turkey is the process of removing polyps that can develop in various parts of the body without a surgical incision. Although the uterus is one of the most common organs in the body, polyps can also develop in areas such as the gallbladder, intestines and vocal cords. Polyps are benign tumors and often develop asymptomatically. Polyps need to be treated if they are large, pose a cancer risk or interfere with pregnancy. However, most polyps can be monitored by a doctor without the need for surgery. Polyp surgeries are usually performed by closed methods without surgical incisions. Hysteroscopy is also frequently used to remove polyps in the uterus outside the body.
In the rest of our article, we will answer curious questions such as “How is closed polyp surgery performed?”, “How is the healing process after closed polyp surgery?” and “How long does closed polyp surgery take?”. You can review the rest of our content to get information about Turkey closed polyp surgery, uterine polyp symptoms and similar topics.
What is a Polyp?
A polyp is a benign tumor with a very low risk of developing into cancer. They are usually found in parts of the body such as the uterus, cervix, intestine and gall bladder. Mostly they do not cause any symptoms. Small-sized polyps usually heal without the need for any treatment, but large-sized polyps can cause some disorders that threaten the general health of the person. In particular, large polyps in the uterus can prevent a person from becoming pregnant. Such polyps can also cause irregular bleeding. Although it is not a very common condition, some polyps may carry the risk of developing into cancer. Such polyps need to be surgically removed from the body.
Depending on the organ in which they develop, their size and density, polyps may manifest themselves with different symptoms in the body. Polyps in the gallbladder can cause complaints such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, while polyps in the intestine can cause digestive and excretory system disorders.
Endometrial Polyp and Cervical Polyp
Polyps in the uterus are called endometrial polyps and polyps in the cervix are called cervical polyps. Cervical polyps have the same characteristics as other types of polyps and are usually benign tumors. However, the growth of these polyps in the uterus can cause some problems with pregnancy. In rare cases, cervical polyps can also develop into cancer.
How are Uterine Polyps Diagnosed?
Like other types of polyps, uterine polyps usually cause no symptoms while they are still developing. For this reason, uterine polyps are commonly diagnosed after tests for other conditions. Uterine polyps, which can cause some symptoms, can be easily detected by ultrasound examination. In addition to ultrasound, the following methods can be used to diagnose polyps:
- Uterine X-ray (HSG).
- Hysteroscopy
- Examination of the uterus with serum (SIS).
Such procedures can be used to diagnose uterine polyps.
What are the Symptoms of Uterine Polyps?
Large endometrial polyps or polyps that cause certain complaints and reduce the quality of life of the patient should be removed surgically. If the general health condition of the patient is suitable for surgery and the polyp size is within the desired limits, the hysteroscopic method is preferred for surgery. Surgical treatment is used especially if polyps in the uterus and cervix cause the following disorders:
- Infertility
- Painful sexual intercourse.
- Irregular menstruation.
- Miscarriages.
Symptoms of uterine polyps can vary from person to person, depending on the location and number of polyps.
Are Uterine Polyps an Obstacle to Pregnancy?
Polyps can be found in different parts of the uterus with different densities. Depending on the location and number of polyps, the symptoms they cause in the patient may also vary. Polyps can interfere with pregnancy by causing irregular bleeding, preventing the embryo from attaching to the uterus or disrupting the conditions suitable for fertilization.
How Long Does Closed Polyp Surgery Take?
Closed polyp surgery can be completed in as short as 30 minutes if performed by hysteroscopy. Laparoscopic polyp surgery may take a little longer.
How is Closed Polyp Surgery Performed?
Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic methods are generally preferred for surgical procedures in the uterus. Compared to open surgery, these methods do not require deep surgical incisions, making them relatively safer surgical procedures. Hysteroscopy, a type of closed surgery technique, can be used to treat intrauterine adhesions, fibroids and polyps.
Patients with a low pain threshold are administered anesthesia or pain medication before the procedure so that they do not feel pain during the operation.
During hysteroscopy, a device with a lens on it is inserted into the uterus through the vaginal opening. In this way, a detailed image of the inside of the uterus is obtained and polyps are removed from the body thanks to the cutting/burning tip on the end of the device.
How is the Recovery Process After Closed Polyp Surgery?
Since hysteroscopy is a closed surgical technique, the risk of infection is very low. Patients are discharged a few hours after the procedure. After the operation, vaginal bleeding in the form of spotting may occur for 2-3 days. Some people may experience mild pain in the groin.
Sexuality and Pregnancy after Closed Polyp Surgery
Polyps in the uterus reduce the quality of life and can make it difficult to conceive. After the polyps are removed from the body with closed polyp surgery, irregular menstrual bleeding ends, pain during sexual intercourse disappears, and problems such as miscarriage and inability to conceive disappear. Sexual intercourse is allowed 10 days after polyp surgery. In order to become pregnant after the polyps are removed, it may be possible to wait for a certain period of time, taking into account the procedure performed.
Turkey closed polyp surgery prices may vary according to the details of the surgery, hospitalization period and similar factors.