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Genital Aesthetic Applications

You can find detailed information about Antalya Genital Aesthetics Applications from the link below.

Gynecological Diseases

If you want support from a physician specialized in Antalya Gynecology Diseases, you can use the link below.

About me

Op. Dr. If you want to get to know Berkay Yüksel better, you can contact me through my about me page.


If you are looking for an answer to a question, please read the FAQ below before contacting us. You can call from the section.


Frequently asked Questions

In order to provide you with the best service, the answers to the most searched questions on search engines are provided by Op.Dr. Berkay Yüksel answered it for you.

Yes, as a single person you can have an abortion within legal limits.

Abortion can be performed until the 10th week of pregnancy.

Since hymenoplasty is a medical procedure, it involves some side effects and risks. The situations that may occur after the procedure are as follows:

  • Risk of Infection: Infection may occur if hygiene rules are not followed after surgery.
  • Pain and Discomfort: There may be pain or discomfort for a certain period of time after the procedure.
  • Bleeding: In rare cases, excessive bleeding may occur after the procedure.
  • Scatrization (Scar Formation): It is possible for the scar to be prominent.
  • Anesthesia Risks: Allergies or other reactions to the anesthetics used may develop.

However, the risks and side effects mentioned may vary from person to person, as each individual's situation is different.

Perinoplasty can be performed for various reasons.

  • Deformations in the perineum after vaginal delivery can cause serious discomfort.
  • Weakness of the perineal muscles can cause dissatisfaction during sexual intercourse.
  • Aesthetic concerns and lack of self-confidence are also important reasons for perinoplasty.
  • Failure of the birth stitches to heal or anatomical disorders are also taken into consideration.
  • Functional problems such as urinary incontinence are medical reasons for perinoplasty.

These situations should be evaluated sensitively based on my personal experience.

Labioplasti Neden Yapılır?

Labioplasti ameliyatı genellikle birkaç nedenden dolayı tercih edilir:
  1. Fiziksel Rahatsızlık: Büyük veya asimetrik labialar günlük aktivitelerde rahatsızlık verebilir.
  2. Estetik Kaygılar: Görsel olarak daha çekici hissedilmek istenebilir.
  3. Hijyen Problemleri: Büyük labialar temizliği zorlaştırabilir ve enfeksiyon riskini artırabilir.
  4. Cinsel Hayat: Cinsel ilişki sırasında ağrı veya rahatsızlık hissedilebilir.
  5. Kıyafet Seçimi: Dar kıyafetlerde estetik ve konfor sorunu yaşanabilir.
In my experience, experiencing one or more of these problems provides enough motivation to consider surgery.

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